这几天。。心情太糟了。。。哈哈。。。但别人眼中我只是更Active 一些。太多事情发生了。。。但是又没有人有空,也能让我安心哭诉的人。。 好痛。。。我也不知道为什么今年忍耐力很差。。 或许是因为那个"原因"吧。。让我很失落。。觉得自己很差劲。
已经3个月了。。。压抑自己的感情。感觉越来越不好。。。连睡觉都有问题。我每次都让自己不要超越那条线,好让她不会不舒服。我常常看到她有时好像有心事,很想关心,但又不敢,即使我敢她也都不会想告诉我。我真的好想哭。。。因为我感觉我在她心中并不怎么重要。或许我真的很恐怖吧。。让她不怎么喜欢我,我有爱玩,东跳西跳的,可能给她感觉我不认真吧?也可能我身上并没有她想要的条件吧?我多希望她能告诉我,好让我能改吧。。。 但是又不可能。因为我开不了口,而且我们的话题只有功课,一些电玩。没了。有时有别的话题也是因为有她的姐妹在。于是我只好骗自己,把面具带上,好让她开心,觉得安全。
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
今天是很白目的一天。我突然发觉到原来我和我的curtin的某些朋友很有距离感。或许真的是因为是男女有别,难相处。但是我却能和别的女生打成一片。难道我真的这么糟吗?还是我真的想太多了呢? 把自己看的太重?要求太多?
是我关心太多吗?我太八了?但是若我没有用意和他们说话,那么她们可能真的会什么都不和我说。当然,除了功课。算了啦。。。。 累了。。。 最好什么都别管。做个聋了,哑吧,盲人吧。虽然我觉得我迟早会疯掉,因为没说话。但是至少会让我现在会比较好过。
今晚,我们为siew hui 庆祝她的18岁生日。这blueberry cheesecake 是我,嘉晶和诗怡做的。上面有着厚厚的blueberry,里头有淡淡的orange口味。我们大约用了一个小时半做好。这蛋糕可是价值 RM 45 起跳。哈哈哈。。。浓浓的cheese。。。好香。。。。上面还有LOVE 形状的蜡烛。(抱歉啦,siew hui。它是我的宝,不舍得给你 =P)
(>")> 它真的真的很好吃哦。最好笑是ah hye zai 明明很饱了,但当我问她还要不要吃时,她可是猛点头,好像没吃饭一样。太好笑了。
(>")> 不过呢。。。 当天有人穿的很漂亮。可爱又带点成熟。希望能有很好的机会和相机把她拍下。^^可惜啊。。。。。 可惜。。。。
让我在今年用了很多这词语, "咳。。。。"
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
13th August
When the day shines upon the land..... in a city called miri... lies a funny, slim tall guy called himself a Panda.
Previous blog is left alone for people that is close to me to see. People who might want to see it. please request for your permissions. Thank you.
These weeks it had been a hard day..... sadness filled my life..... I had a physic quiz today. But thankfully, maybe i am blessed by god, i can manage to deal with it without studying much. Don't know why, i don't have much moods to study these days.... maybe because deal to that "reason" hahaha......
I had been sitting on my piano and pc for weeks..... was trying to distract my attention to another things instead.... but it seems that it is not working well...... oh well.... just wish time can wash things out.
This blog is for bi-language. I use english while i am in University of Curtin. And i will try to use mandarin in this blog when i am in my house. ^^
Everyone is welcomed to give positive or negative comments~
When the day shines upon the land..... in a city called miri... lies a funny, slim tall guy called himself a Panda.
Previous blog is left alone for people that is close to me to see. People who might want to see it. please request for your permissions. Thank you.
These weeks it had been a hard day..... sadness filled my life..... I had a physic quiz today. But thankfully, maybe i am blessed by god, i can manage to deal with it without studying much. Don't know why, i don't have much moods to study these days.... maybe because deal to that "reason" hahaha......
I had been sitting on my piano and pc for weeks..... was trying to distract my attention to another things instead.... but it seems that it is not working well...... oh well.... just wish time can wash things out.
This blog is for bi-language. I use english while i am in University of Curtin. And i will try to use mandarin in this blog when i am in my house. ^^
Everyone is welcomed to give positive or negative comments~
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